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Inverse function please help
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Frequent VisitorJoined: 13 Apr 2004Posts: 29

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:24 pm    Post subject: Inverse function please help

I have a question. Given the following:

where are some constants.

Is it possible to write ? is some function. Thanks….

Kenny TM~

Frequent VisitorJoined: 20 Jan 2004Posts: 127

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:30 pm    Post subject: Re: Inverse function please help

patpat wrote:

I have a question. Given the following:

where are some constants.

Is it possible to write ? is some function. Thanks….

Yes. .

W is the Lambert’s W function


Frequent VisitorJoined: 13 Apr 2004Posts: 29

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:30 am    Post subject:


Can I differentiate Lambert’s W function?


Frequent VisitorJoined: 18 Jan 2004Posts: 128

Location: Hong Kong

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:05 pm    Post subject:

Let . Since which is non-zero for , the W-function is differentiable for with as derivative._________________

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