數學資料庫 – 編者的話








  • Prof AU Kwok Keung Thomas (Department of Mathematics, CUHK)
  • Prof CHENG Shiu Yuen (Department of Mathematics, HKUST)
  • Dr CHEUNG Ka Luen (The Hong Kong Institute of Education)
  • Mr FUNG Ping-yu Michael
  • Prof LI Kin Yin (Department of Mathematics, HKUST)
  • Prof SIU Man Keung (Department of Mathematics, HKU)
  • Department of Mathematics, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Mathematics Society, Department of Mathematics, the University of Hong Kong
  • Pui Ching Middle School
  • The Mathematics Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • www.alihk.net
陳瀅瀅 BSc – Mathematics (CUHK) (2009)
周淑玲 BSc – Mathematics (HKU) (2005)
MPhil – Mathematics (HKUST) (2007)
鄭文銓 BSc – Mathematics (CUHK) (2004)MPhil – Mathematics (CUHK) (2006)

PhD – Mathematics (Stanford University) (2011)

張潤權 BSc – Mathematics and Physics (HKUST) (2007)
詹國姿 BEng – Electronic Engineering (HKUST) (2000)MPhil – Electronic Engineering (HKUST) (2002)

MPhil – Mathematics (HKUST) (2005)

樊偉堂 BSc – Mathematics (CUHK) (2003)
MPhil – Mathematics (HKUST) (2005)
Director of Curriculum Design, Profound Education

才博教育課程設計總監 (2006)

霍志廣 BSc – Mathematics (CUHK) (2007)
方效俊 BSc – Actuarial Science (HKU) (2008)
許子岳 Queen’s College (2007)
高康富 BSc – Mathematics (HKUST) (2002)MPhil – Mathematics (HKUST) (2004)

PhD – Mathematics (University of Southern California) (2011)

郭思明 BSc – Architecture (CUHK) (2006) Architectural Trainee, RoccoDesign Architects Ltd. 許李嚴建築師事務有限公司


羅家豪 BSc – Mathematics (HKU) (2003)MPhil – Mathematics (HKU) (2005)

PhD – Mathematics (HKU) (2008)

Member, International Mathematical Olympiad Hong

Kong Committee (2003-)

李家意 BSc – Mathematics (HKU) (2009)
梁靜文 BSc – Actuarial Science (HKU) (2007)
梁文鍵 BSc – Mathematics and Physics (HKUST) (2008)
李靜文 BSc – Mathematics (HKU) (2005)
MPhil – Mathematics (HKU) (2007)
潘瑛 BSc – Mathematics (HKU) (2009)
蕭子衡 BSc – Mathematics (CUHK) (2006)
MPhil – Economics (CUHK) (2008)
謝樹堂 BSc – Mathematics (CUHK) (2008)
袁俊邦 BSc – Physics (HKUST) (2008)