MD 今個星期日有 Academic Seminar:日期:2008 年 8 月 31 日(星期日)時間:下午 5 時至 6 時地點:香港中文大學邵逸夫夫人樓 C1(見註)語言:粵語輔以英語註:從港鐵大學站(中文大學出口)轉右,可乘坐中文大學校巴於第二個站(潤昌堂)下車,步行約兩分鐘即可抵達邵逸夫夫人樓。星期日的校巴於每小時 00、20、40 分在大學站開出,車程約 5 分鐘。============================================================Topic: Matrix and TransformationsSpeaker: Jessey Lin (undergraduate student at CUHK)Abstract:
For those of you who are of first encounter with the matrix mathematically, you will get a glimpse of how this ‘creature’ is added, subtracted or multiplied. For those of you who are all too familiar with the matrix and its operations, it might be a good chance to refresh your memories of representing reflections, the principal axis theorem, and other geometric transformations which are often used in other branches of geometry. Welcome to all!